If you or your child are looking to book their instrumental grade exams, we have created this guide to make the process easy for you!
Who is this guide for?
This guide is for anyone who is currently studying for their instrumental or vocal grades, and has been told by their teacher that they should book their exam.
This is for students who are doing their graded exams through RGT and LCM.
When should I book my exam?
You should only book your exam when your teacher tells you to. Sometimes there is a long wait between booking your exam, getting your exam date, and the exam itself. Your teacher will be aware of this. Whilst it may be tempting to move your exam earlier, please follow your teachers' advice. The time between booking your exam and the exam itself is when you will still be learning and polishing up on certain techniques that you are expected to have learnt in the exam. This also gives you extra time to feel more confident in yourself so you are 100% ready on the day.
Where will my exam be?
If you put in Twang Music Academy's postcode, then your exam is most likely to take place at the academy itself. We strongly recommend, if you have lessons in-person, that you do this. You may get nervous on the day, and being in a familiar environment to where your lessons usually are may help with your nerves.
How much is the exam?
The cost of the exam varies depending on what grade you are doing. The higher the grade, the more expensive the exam will be.
If you are a part of Twang Music Academy, you may be eligible for a free exam, funded by the academy. If you are eligible, you will still need to pay for the exam yourself, but will be reimbursed once you have attended the exam. Please speak to your teacher or another a member of staff for more details.
How do I book my exam?
Some teachers have an account and they can book the exam for you. If not, follow these instructions to get your exam booked.
Go to the following website: http://www.rgt.org and it should look like this:

Go to 'Enter an Exam':

You will need to sign in/register to enter an exam. Please make sure to read all of the sign in information once you click 'Sign In/Register.'
Remember that you are logging in/creating an account as the child, so use their information if you are a parent signing up on behalf of them (of course you can use your own email). On the website and through a pop up message, RGT provide more information.

Once you have filled in the information, find your verification email and click on the link. For Gmail and Hotmail users, this most likely will be in your spam (we're not sure why!) so please make sure you check there. If not, please contact RGT for help resolving this.
You will be prompted to make a password, and you are given a user ID to log in with in the future. Make sure you take a note of your login information should you decide to book any more exams.
Fill in any more information that the website prompts you to, and then you can apply for your exam. Please note, you do not need to put in a tutor code for us - so you can leave this blank.
Once you have done this, you can fill in your information to book your exam. We recommend using 'Grade Exams Without Entry Code' and click enter, as seen below:

You will be given the timeframe that your exam may take place depending on the season, and you will be asked the days that you are unavailable.
Then you will be asked to pay, and you will be good to go! They will send a date for your exam as soon as they have one.
We hope that this has been helpful, and if you have any further questions please ask your teacher or contact us.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Twang Music Academy